A real phenomenon recorded in the sea of ​​Mexico (Video)

The Jamie Maussan Oficial Instagram page shared this really bizarre looking cloud anomaly or Sunbeam phenomena as it’s known in Mexico. What is it.

This is a great video, I’m trying to work out if it’s just CGI rendering or if it’s a real phenomenon going on.

It looks bizarre, it looks the part of some unusual phenomena but is it anything to do with man-made technology I wonder.

Sunbeam phenomena come from the underside of a cloud.

We’re all used to seeing some crazy stuff happening in the world now, nothing surprises me anymore which is either me getting older or everything’s predictable.

Because there’s no information with this video, we’ve got to air on the side of caution and say it’s possible, but likely a CGI rendering.

I like the idea of unknown activity going on by UFOs and UAPs but this kind of stuff like HAARP, CERN and directed energy weapons etc and even chemtrails, I hate it because it’s sneaky horrible stuff.

And it is, it’s underhanded tactics by a rogue team of scientists if we want to get down to who it is creating chemtrails, HAARP, weather modification and microwave weapons. It’s the scientific and engineering community who are challenging humanity. Knowing that they’re creating these monstrous weapons is barbaric.

Anyway, this was posted on Jaimie Maussans official Instagram page which I’ll admit it’s a bit cookie but it’s still got to be answered right, no matter what we think of it. Which is actually why he’s posting them to get answers. People misunderstand sometimes that just because it’s been posted about it doesn’t mean you’re agreeing with it.

Like this post, I’m disagreeing with it.

I often post about a UFO sighting that I don’t think it’s real, and people often think I’m backing it. Like this unusual phenomenon, is it real or is it just a bit of boring CGI work done on an iPad maybe? There’s probably no way to know so from now on from this point it’s all speculation.


Sunbeams and clouds appeared to be something more.

Jaime Maussan Official Instagram

That’s all it said which isn’t a great deal of information on this. I’m going to have to just go with it being a hoax maybe but that’s only because this type of Sunbeam or whatever we call this hasn’t been seen before or has it?

I’d like to know what you think about this one so please share your thoughts in the comments section below, cheers. And also please share this post, thanks.

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