A stray dog finds refuge in a Christmas Nativity scene, where she gives birth to seven charming puppies, adding a heartwarming touch to the holiday season

 This street dog, like Mary during Jesus’ birth, sought sanctuary in a barnacle packed with straw to give birth, but this time to seven puppies.

In Palenque , Mexico , a picturesque Nativity scene was displayed inside a small tent in the town’s main plaza. This one has the typical range of festive figurines posing in serene quiet, but they’ve recently been joined by someone unexpected: a pregnant stray dog.

Apparently, the sweet dog looked at the Christmas nativity scene as a safe space and, therefore, ended up using it as a refuge. She might take a break from the cold of the streets and provide illumination if needed. Local journalist Eric Guzmán observed this and discovered her coiled up in the straw within her.

Upon closer inspection, Eric discovered that the dog gave birth to seven puppies . With no other options, the dog seemed to have chosen the Christmas birth as a safe and pleasant location to deliver her kids.

“He was shocked and glad to find that his pups were in a safe location,” Eric told The Dodo. “They were never damp or cold,” he continued. It should be mentioned that while Palenque is normally hot all year, it begins to become cold in December, and the presence of dogs seeking cover is fairly prevalent.

Eric began spreading the news about the dog and her puppies in the manger, and ever then, many from Palenque have made the trek to view them for themselves, some bringing food and drink. Even local officials have gotten involved and agreed that the family of dogs would be allowed to stay for as long as they require.

Aside from allusions to holiness, the animal lovers at Dejando Huellitas SOS Palenque have also stepped in to guarantee the dogs are cared for now and in the future, and have began seeking for homes for them to live in.

For Eric, the birth of the puppies inside the Christmas manger isn’t a miracle, but he hopes it will leave a lasting legacy. “Hopefully, as citizens, we will be more conscious of stray dogs and would adopt them rather than buy them,” the journalist stated. “We should love them regardless of their origin,” he concluded.

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