Sure, the internet may be full of a lot of bad things, but it’s also full of adorable images and videos of our beloved pets. I mean, can you name anything that cheers you up quite as fast as a cute dog doing something adorable? Yeah, we can’t either. All dogs are cute in our opinion, but if you’re looking for small dog breeds in particular, we’ve got you covered with some info on 20 of the cutest small dog breeds.
Small dog breeds are popular for a lot of reasons. They don’t take up a lot of space, can cost less to care for (less food, meds, etc.) and can be easier to travel with than some of the larger breed dogs. Small breeds are so popular in fact, the AKC’s most popular breeds for 2022 included French Bulldogs, Beagles, Dachshunds, and Yorkies. We can’t say we’re surprised because they’re obviously adorable. But if you’d like to know a little bit more about some of the cutest small dog breeds, take a look at our list below. First up, the Yorkshire terrier.
1. Yorkshire terrier
Lovingly referred to as the “Yorkie,” the Yorkshire terrier is the ultimate cutie in small breeds. Not only are they tiny (some are even “teacup”!), but the Yorkshire terrier is a small breed with a big personality and perfect as a companion on the go. Yorkies have been a “fashionable” pet since the late Victorian era.
2. Papillon
3. Cavalier King Charles spaniel
4. Brussels griffon
Some may think that the Brussels griffon isn’t the most attractive dog on the planet, but it sure is cute. A bit awkward looking, Brussels griffons are smart, adaptable and cat-friendly. What they lack in appearance they make up for with their ability to perform a variety of tricks. Not great with kids, it’ll make a single owner a very happy one.