Alien At The ISS Window And NASA Cuts The Live Feed (Video)

Here’s the extraordinary video which shows us a possible Alien Grey at the window of the ISS. NASA then cuts the ISS live feed cameras again.

Okay, I don’t usually do Extraterrestrial entities in the ISS it’s the first one that I’ll have done.

The video speaks louder than a screenshot of the Alien Grey at the ISS window.

I have written a post about a UFO docked with the International Space Station but an actual Grey Alien, it’s my first time.


Video description:

NASA Cuts Feed! Strange Alien Species Caught Inside ISS?

Strange Alien Species Caught Inside ISS? NASA Cut’s LIVE Feed! 8/13/2017.

I was browsing looking for a request from an Instagram follower regarding an Alien being recovered by soldiers as I had posted about it in my Instagram stories. It’s a memory post which automatically pop’s up in the reels and I posted this memory. People have been asking for the original, which I cannot find so I thought I’d be nice and see if I can find it.

Even if it’s not an Alien at the ISS window, we’ve got a UFO in the same video watching the Astronaut’s working on the outside of the ISS.

Lee Lewis UFO Researcher

But then as usual I got distracted by UFO sightings and this stunning possible Alien Grey at the ISS window moving around the ISS and looking out of the window. It sounds bonkers, nobody more than me understands just how bizarre it sounds but all I’m saying is what I’m seeing.

UFO photo.

There’s always something going on everywhere and at any time. Further along in the video we see a great UFO sighting.

Something moves at the window and it looks grey, there are big black almond-shaped eyes and it’s holding something up in front of its body.

I understand how it sounds but just like the UK TV quiz show catchphrase motto is “say what you see” that’s exactly what I’m doing and it’s a good way to keep myself grounded in reality. It’s like an anchor into the real world. Just “say what you see” and so that’s exactly why I’m posting about this.

Something with grey-looking skin is moving in front of the International Space Station window and it’s got large black eyes. It’s larger than a human being and it’s holding what looks like an orange type of board in front of itself.

NASA cut the live feed!

Seriously you can’t make it up, NASA always gives us a quick glimpse and turns off the live feed. It’s cruel and disingenuous about their whole ethos for being in space! This video is mind-boggling if indeed it turns out that it’s an Alien Grey at the window.

Help out.

I’m not a video editing engineer or an amateur Photoshop creator. But if someone out there can bring out the features in the video and send us a message with the images I’ll update the post and show the update.

If you’ve got any thoughts or suggestions for this post, please share them with us in the comments section below, cheers. Once again please don’t forget to share this post, thanks.

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