Captivating Blue Twins: Elevating Elegance with their Enchanting Stare on Instagram

Summer Girls

From the very first time her beautiful twins opened their eyes on June 6, 2011, Stephanie Boyd knew she was looking at something unique. It was obvious Megan and Morgan are very special from the very start, and their birth marked the beginning of an exciting new journey for the whole family.

Baby Craze

Like every new mom, Stephanie couldn’t help but show off her new-born babies on social media. She started sharing their photos early on, and her Facebook friends and Instagram followers couldn’t get enough of them. The rest of the world followed suit after pictures of the twins with the magnetic eyes went viral.

Matching Outfits

Dressing twins is still one of the most hotly debated issues in the parenting world, but Stephanie made her choice easily. M&M usually wear matching outfits, and they both look adorable in them.

Secret in Their Eyes

The Trueblue twins quickly grabbed the attention of the whole world, because it’s extremely rare to see blue-eyed people, not to mention African-American people with blue eyes. Research shows it’s usually a result of an ancient genetic variation.

Can You Spot The Difference?

The majority of parents with twins have trouble telling them apart at first, before they start to take one physical and behavioural features that allow them to distinguish between the two. But that wasn’t the case with Megan and Morgan’s parents, Stephanie and her partner Lovell Knight. Their baby girls aren’t perfect copies of each other, since Morgan has one brown eye in a special manifestation of a condition called heterochromia, while her sister Megan’s eyes are both completely blue.

Morgan’s Heterochromia

There’s a reasonable explanation behind Morgan’s distinctive eye color. She’s affected by an extremely rare condition called heterochromia iridium. It can lead to difference in coloration, usually of the iris, but it can also affect hair or skin.

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