Close-up of mysterious UFO glowing in people’s farm(VIDEO)

In the Pacific Northwest, there have been numerous sightings of aerial phenomena that remain unidentified. Witnesses have reported seeing strange objects that they cannot explain, such as an immense object with lights that spanned over a valley, a football-shaped object with red lights that moved horizontally, and six flying discs that allegedly exploded above a boat on Maury Island.

These sightings have been reported by people such as Gloria Bonacci and her friend Mary, who saw an object that seemingly came out of nowhere, and Susan Gonzalez, who saw an unidentified object on Whidbey Island when she was a child. Despite the sightings, former NASA scientist Dick Haines asks that people refrain from referring to these phenomena as UFOs, as the term implies that the objects are of extraterrestrial origin.

Instead, he suggests calling them Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) to describe the aerial phenomenon that people have witnessed. Haines started collecting anonymous reports from pilots who had witnessed similar incidents, which convinced him that these phenomena are not merely controlled variables. Although some people claim that these incidents are hoaxes, others, such as Steve Edmiston, believe that they should not be dismissed as such.

Berrian is one community that has embraced the Maury Island incident and created an annual celebration inspired by what happened. Despite the skepticism surrounding these sightings, people like Gloria Bonacci and Susan Gonzalez believe that the objects they saw were not figments of their imagination and that there are still things that people do not know about.



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