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In today’s world, we take for granted the ability to read and write, with information and knowledge available to us at the click of a button. However, in ancient times, this was not the case. How did our ancestors pass on knowledge and information to future generations? The answer lies in the development of writing systems, which were established independently at least four times in human history.
Who invented writing? – Language on the Move

The first writing system emerged in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq, where Sumerian cuneiform was used between 3400 and 3300 BC. This was followed by the development of a writing system in Egypt at around 3200 BC. By 1300 BCE, the Shang dynasty in China had developed a fully functional writing system. Mesoamerican civilizations also adopted writing around 600 BC. However, recent archaeological discoveries suggest that writing may have existed even earlier than previously thought.
MYCENAE (Mycenean palace) ARGOLIS - Greek Travel Pages

The Dispillio tablet, an ancient artifact discovered in northern Greece, is estimated to be nearly 7,000 years old. This far predates the earliest known writing systems and challenges the conventional theory that writing did not come into existence until somewhere in the region of Sumeria between 3000 and 4000 BC. The tablet has been found to contain symbols and markings that suggest the existence of a writing system that was used during the Neolithic period.
25 grisly archaeological discoveries | Live Science

This new theory has led to many questions about what exactly constitutes writing. Archaeological discoveries, including mysterious and unexplained artifacts, continue to shed light on the evolution of writing systems and the ways in which our ancestors communicated and recorded information.

One of the most intriguing discoveries in recent years is the Plimpton 322 tablet, a 3700-year-old Babylonian tablet containing mathematical calculations. While the tablet does not contain any writing in the traditional sense, it does contain a series of markings that have been interpreted as a form of mathematical notation. This suggests that our ancestors may have had more advanced forms of communication and recording than previously believed.

However, not all ancient artifacts have been as serious in nature. Irving Finkel, a curator at the British Museum, recently translated what is believed to be the oldest “yo mama” joke in the world. The joke was inscribed on a Babylonian tablet and dates back to around 1900 BC. While it may seem trivial, this discovery provides a glimpse into the humor and daily life of our ancient ancestors.

In conclusion, the history of writing is a fascinating topic that continues to be explored through archaeological discoveries and research. From the earliest symbols and markings to the development of full writing systems, these discoveries provide a window into the ways in which our ancestors communicated and recorded information. As we continue to uncover more mysterious and unexplained artifacts, the story of the evolution of writing systems is sure to become even more complex and intriguing.


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