Discover the 10 longest trains in the world(VIDEO)

Trains have been an integral part of the transportation industry for centuries. They are not only fast, efficient, and eco-friendly but also capable of carrying a large number of goods and passengers over long distances. Over time, trains have evolved to become longer, faster, and more powerful. In this article, we will discover the 10 longest trains in the world.

Keyword: Longest Trains in the World

1. BelAZ 75710: The longest train in the world is not a traditional locomotive, but a truck. The BelAZ 75710 is a mining truck that can һаᴜɩ up to 450 tons of material. It is powered by two diesel engines and has a length of 66 feet.

2 .BHP Billiton: The BHP Billiton train is the longest train in the world that uses traditional locomotives. It is used to transport iron ore from Newman to Port Hedland in Western Australia. The train consists of 682 wagons and has a length of 4.6 miles.

3.Mauritania Iron Ore Train: The Mauritania Iron Ore Train is a freight train that transports iron ore from the mines in Zouerat to the port city of Nouadhibou in Mauritania. The train is 1.8 miles long and consists of up to 200 wagons.

4.The Bazhenov coal train: The Bazhenov coal train is a freight train that transports coal from the Kuzbass coal mines to the Novokuznetskaya coal terminal in Russia. The train consists of 774 wagons and has a length of 4.5 miles.

5.The Abydos train: The Abydos train is a freight train that transports iron ore from the Abydos mine to Port Hedland in Western Australia. The train consists of 236 wagons and has a length of 2.5 miles.

6.The Black tһᴜпdeг train: The Black tһᴜпdeг train is a freight train that transports coal from the Black tһᴜпdeг mine to the Antelope coal terminal in Wyoming, USA. The train consists of 116 wagons and has a length of 2.3 miles.

7.The Gwadar Express: The Gwadar Express is a freight train that transports goods from Gwadar Port to Sust in Pakistan. The train consists of 160 wagons and has a length of 1.7 miles.

8.The Mt Newman train: The Mt Newman train is a freight train that transports iron ore from the Mt Newman mine to Port Hedland in Western Australia. The train consists of 208 wagons and has a length of 1.5 miles.

9.The Solomon train: The Solomon train is a freight train that transports iron ore from the Solomon Hub mine to Port Hedland in Western Australia. The train consists of 116 wagons and has a length of 1.3 miles.

10.The Patagonia Express: The Patagonia Express is a passenger train that runs through the Patagonian region of Argentina. The train has a length of 1.2 miles and consists of 22 carriages.

In conclusion, these 10 trains are some of the longest and most іmргeѕѕіⱱe in the world. From traditional locomotives to mining trucks, these trains are essential for transporting goods and people over long distances. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even longer and more powerful trains in the future.


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