From Struggle to Triumph: The Remarkable Story of Conquering Scissor-Like Legs

Isaac was born disabled.

He has not walked ever since he came out of her mother’s womb.

He was abandoned by his father when he had only nine men.

He dreams to make her mama proud.

Meet Isaac, a disabled guy with big dreams.

Isaac is nine years old.

He was born tired and this resulted him to be born different.

Right after he was born, he was put in an incubator.

After ensuring Isaac’s temperature was maintained in the optimal range, thus preventing hypothermia and any of its potential harmful complications, we came home.

I think his disability came as a negative impact because he was always delayed in an incubator due to the fact that since the day he developed as an embryo in my theatres, until the day was delivered, scantaste had already shown him without any problem.

That’s what i think, because during the delivery we never had enormous delivery.

We had a cesarean delivery.

When he came out of my own, he came tired.

He nearly died on his birthday.

That’s why he spent a whole month in an incubator.

When he had three to five months.

I noticed something wrong on him.

I started seeing his neck not strong and other body organs were also not as strong as they were supposed to be, but still i would hold his neck on his behalf.

The situation was becoming worse and i decided to visit hospitals, but those hospitals had no immediate solution to my child’s health problems.

I spent a whole year circulating in different hospitals, but all in vanity.

We gave everything we had.

We ran out of budget.

Hence, returning back here home because there was no any other option- has a strong back.

But contrary to that, when he had three months we would lift him.

The muscles of his neck were a bit loose, not heightened, and the back was too weak.

Then i realized my baby was not normal.

Another reason why he was put in an incubator right after he was born was because he never cried.

There is one: his arms start shaking and both legs start shivering, and after, while the body becomes paralyzed- this often occurs once in two months- then stops.

It’s another illness he has right from his birth.

Doctors gave me hope that after some times he will be okay.

It ended up remaining that way.

Apart from the physical therapy he got from the hospital of nine months, he has not got any treatment required for his medical condition to heal.

Doctors never mentioned any of the disease that my baby might be suffering from.

All they said was encouraging me and tell me to worry.

Not that my kid would once be okay, and i believed that will be okay, but he did not.

He remained the same.

It took too long for Isaac to sit and crawl.

I usually did everything for him, including making him sleep, then turn himself around.

After three hours i had to make him try to sit, but in the process his back would be somehow bent and he could fall, while i could lift him again to make him sit, then repeat the whole process.


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