Gordon Ramsay’s Foolproof Technique For Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

He’s the king of beef, no doubt, but we have no beef with chef Gordon Ramsay when it comes to nailing breakfast. For years, Ramsay has demonstrated how to make the perfect scrambled eggs, and now we’re cracking the code to see what makes them so fluffy.

Gordon Ramsay's Foolproof Technique For Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

The secret is to whip ’em good. You must stir your eggs constantly when they’re cooking to make them extra fluffy. The other secret is to stop the scrambled eggs from overcooking by adding a dollop of a cold ingredient like sour cream, crème fraiche, or heavy whipping cream to the pan moments before the eggs are fully done. The additional fat whipped into the eggs will make them oh-so-creamy yet keep the eggs airy and light.

But you didn’t think it was that simple, right? These are Gordon Ramsay’s eggs, after all. There are certain steps to follow before you go dropping spoonfuls of sour cream into your eggs. For starters, don’t whisk your eggs in a bowl.

Don’t whisk or season before cooking

Gordon Ramsay's recipe of creamy scrambled eggs served on toast with tomatoes and mushrooms on the side

While demonstrating his recipe on Good Morning America, Ramsay says, crack your eggs directly into a cold pan. There is no need to whisk them beforehand in a separate bowl — this will save you an extra dish to clean, too! Another tip: Do not season your eggs at the start. It will turn them runny and grey, and they won’t end up with that perfect fluffy texture. You want to season at the end with some salt and pepper after the eggs are cooked.

You’ll also want to add cold butter to the pan with the eggs. On medium-low heat, whisk your eggs with a rubber spatula. Be careful not to let the eggs sit and overcook. Keep stirring as the mixture begins to set. This will break up the eggs, creating a scramble that’s silky and fluffy rather than a pile of large chunks of eggs. Constant stirring and low heat are the best ways to retain good texture. Ramsay also recommends taking the pan on and off the heat, so the pan doesn’t get too hot.

The Rolls-Royce ingredient in scrambled eggs

Hand picking up fluffy scrambled eggs on toast served on a white plate

And now, the luxurious moment to set these scrambled eggs apart. At the very end, fold in cold crème fraiche, sour cream, or heavy whipping cream. This will ensure that the eggs stop cooking further and develop a creamy, fluffy texture. The extra added fats and dairy from the crème fraiche are used to elevate this dish into a glorious, rich scramble. And remember, only a dollop will do the trick. This is also a good time to season the eggs. For a dish that’s extra fancy, Ramsay recommends adding sea urchin to scrambled eggs (along with chopped chives) to create an extra creamy texture and add a rich umami flavor.

Since they’re easy to overcook, creating the perfect scrambled egg is a type of benchmark for any chef whether at a restaurant or from home. Once you’ve nailed this recipe for scrambled eggs — juggling the constant stirring, temperature control, and last-minute crème fraiche addition — you’ll feel like a Ramsay-approved master chef in your own right.

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