Happiness Unleashed: Delving into the Emotional Journey of a Once-Skinny Dog

7 weeks ago, a dog was discovered starved to the point of emaciation in Granada, Spain. At that time, the poor dog was so weak that he could not stand up on his own because he was starving and had probably been mistreated for too long a period of time.
Hành trình hồi phục kỳ diệu của chú chó gầy trơ xương vì bị ngược đãi suốt thời gian dài - Ảnh 1.

The poor dog is so weak and pathetic.

Seeing the weak abandoned dog, Mr. Eduardo Rodriguez and his wife, Carolina Lopez Gonzalez, decided to adopt the poor 10-month-old creature, even though the veterinarians were not even sure if the dog would survive. can continue to live or not.

Seeing the bones on the dog’s skin, Mr. Rodriguez and his wife named it Spaghetti with the hope that it will live a prosperous and healthy life in the future.

Hành trình hồi phục kỳ diệu của chú chó gầy trơ xương vì bị ngược đãi suốt thời gian dài - Ảnh 2.

Doctors weren’t even sure whether this dog could live or not.

Because his body is so pathetically weak, veterinarians don’t even dare to directly satisfy Spaghetti’s hunger. They had to give the poor dog water and nutrients for 6 hours before starting to feed him. During the treatment process, Spaghetti could only look up at the doctors with his big round eyes and flick his tail to show appreciation.

When first adopted, Spaghetti weighed less than 7.5kg. The staff of the animal protection and rescue center judged that this dog could die at any time due to exhaustion. Besides the head and tail, there was no other part of Spaghetti’s body that had enough strength to move.

Hành trình hồi phục kỳ diệu của chú chó gầy trơ xương vì bị ngược đãi suốt thời gian dài - Ảnh 3.

Spaghetti at that time weighed less than 7.5kg.

After 1 week of eating well, Spaghetti has gained 4kg, but it still cannot stand up on its own. With boundless love for animals and meticulous care of every detail, Mr. Rodriguez has brought magic to Spaghetti. Within 7 weeks, Spaghetti went from a skinny dog with a fragile life to an agile, mischievous and adorable dog.

Currently, Spaghetti has weighed up to 20kg and is living happily with his very kind new owner and his wife and 5 other dogs. Hopefully this dog’s life from now on will always be as peaceful and prosperous as its name.

Hành trình hồi phục kỳ diệu của chú chó gầy trơ xương vì bị ngược đãi suốt thời gian dài - Ảnh 5.

The images of skinny Spaghetti make people feel sad.

Hành trình hồi phục kỳ diệu của chú chó gầy trơ xương vì bị ngược đãi suốt thời gian dài - Ảnh 6.

Hành trình hồi phục kỳ diệu của chú chó gầy trơ xương vì bị ngược đãi suốt thời gian dài - Ảnh 7.

When looking at the photo of Spaghetti in the present and Spaghetti from 7 weeks ago, people cannot believe that it is the same dog.

Hành trình hồi phục kỳ diệu của chú chó gầy trơ xương vì bị ngược đãi suốt thời gian dài - Ảnh 8.

Currently, Spaghetti is living happily in a new house with the kind owner and his wife.


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