‘He’s the first person in history to do this’: The Rapper Who Ruined A Billion Dollar “Illuminati” Marriage – FULL DETAILS BELOW

‘He’s the first person in history to do this’: The Rapper Who Ruined A Billion Dollar “Illuminati” Marriage – FULL DETAILS BELOW

‘He’s the first person in history to do this’: Kanye West Reportedly Outsmarted the System By Turning into a Toxic Celebrity, Wanted To Get Out of Binding Billion Dollar Contracts to Escape Hollywood Illuminati

Kanye West took over the headlines throughout 2022 whether it was for his controversial T-shirt at the Paris Fashion Week or getting banned from Twitter. The rapper, who is known to never shy away from speaking his mind, shared his opinion on interviews, social media, and possibly anywhere he got the opportunity. His actions backfired as some of the biggest brands dropped the musician and he ended up losing around $1.5 billion due to all this. However, the rapper still seems proud of his actions as he claimed that he is the first person to get out of a “multi-billion dollar deal” simply with a tweet.

Kanye WestKanye West

Kanye West’s Downfall Throughout 2022

Kanye West has received a lot of criticism and backlash for being the subject of the most controversial topics of 2022. During his interview with Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, he made a number of antisemitic claims. The YouTube talk show The Shop also decided against airing his interview and even refused to share any details about Ye’s interview.

While this was not the first controversial thing the musician did, it led him to lose a number of deals. Brands like Gap and Balenciaga along with talent agency Creative Artists Agency, and banking group JP Morgan dropped the rapper due to his controversial behavior.

After this, Adidas also dropped him from his deal saying that it “does not tolerate antisemitism and any other sort of hate speech.” The rapper lost his billionaire status overnight after this deal. But he did not stop there and continued making antisemitic and controversial statements.

While it did cost him to lose his wealth and status, the companies also faced plenty of loss after dropping Kanye West. Somehow, the rapper has no regrets and seemed to have planned all his actions.

And seems like he successfully did what he allegedly planned on doing. Adidas also reported a nine-figure loss after severing its ties with West. According to Forbes, Adidas’ total loss was estimated at $645 million after it cut ties with the American rapper.

Kanye West’s Strategy to Escape the Multi-Billion-Dollar Deal

YouTube channel ConciousMB claimed in their new video that Kanye West thought everything through. According to its report, the rapper had a “hidden agenda behind all this” and he planned everything to make his plan succeed.

The musician allegedly did everything to escape the trap he has been in throughout his career. He reportedly made all the hate comments and shared his controversial opinion to degrade his image on social media and in Hollywood.

It did work as the rapper continuously faced backlash. People started calling him ‘crazy’, and ‘antisemitic’, making him the person that no one would consider associating with. The backlash caused him to lose several deals.

Kanye West lost his billionaire status due to controversial statements

Kanye West

However, his controversial behavior did allow him to walk out of these deals without costing him anything. It is obvious that all his deals and agreements under various brands would not allow the rapper to simply walk out. By making himself one of the most controversial people in the industry, he was able to get out of these deals without facing much trouble.

In a clip, the rapper also explains that he is the first one to do something like this. “I know that this will never happen again in history. There will never be a situation, where people end a multi-billion dollar deal off of a tweet. Gotcha.” He further mentioned that he would like to thank everyone involved in this process saying that he is now free.

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