In Toronto, Canada, a seven-week-old disabled puppy was abandoned by its owner and left in a trash bin

All animals deserve to be loved and treated with respect, especially those that cannot take care of themselves , and although many people make an effort and do everything possible to take care of them, there are still people who treat them in an inhumane and atrocious way. .

This is what happened to this little puppy who was born without his front legs; Everyone would think that he was cared for and loved without conditions, but it was not like that; The little friend was found in a plastic bag in a garbage container.

It seems his former owner didn’t want the responsibility of caring for a disabled puppy , so he placed the seven-week-old puppy in the trash. This happened in Toronto, United States.

It is painful to know what this little boy had to go through, but thanks to two women who could hear his crying, his story completely changed . When these women saw the situation the puppy was in, they immediately called the animal control service in their country.

They acted as quickly as they could, took the puppy and took him to an animal shelter where they took care of his needs and provided him with all the love he needed.They called the little one, Cupid. “It’s incredibly joyful. He is fun and lively,” commented Juan Znidarec, manager of  Dog Rescuers Inc. At the shelter where he was,  they were in charge of finding a home for the little puppy as quickly as possible.

The good thing about all this is that the little puppy did not have to wait long at the shelter because little  Cupid stole the heart of a family and was adopted almost immediately.

No matter the comforts he has, Cupid will always have new challenges to meet.“You have to hold him when he goes to relieve himself. Puppies can be demanding only on a good day, I think that’s why he was thrown away like that, but it’s still inexcusable,” Znidarec said.

His new adoptive family was willing to do everything possible so that Cupid would have a happier and more comfortable life, apart from all the love they give him, they  soon gave him a pair of prosthetics for his front legs, which allows him to grow as any other puppy.

Although Cupid had to go through many anguish and bad times at the beginning of his life, he currently lives happily with his adoptive family and his prostheses. The not-so-little-anymore puppy has nothing to envy other dogs!

This wonderful family was responsible for giving Cupid what he needed, but mainly, they gave him all the love and affection that he deserved . If you want to follow his story you can do so through the  Facebook group , and you can also make donations to help animals in similar situations  here .We all deserve love; If you agree with this, help spread this story.

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