Internet Buzz: ‘Tiny’ 49 kg Mom and ‘Giant’ Twins Stir Up Online Sensation

A petite mother from Minnesota has taken TikTok by storm with videos of her carrying her “chunky” twin babies, who, at seven months old, already weigh 21 lbs. each. Alexis LaRue, a 22-year-old mother, welcomed her identical twin daughters, Camila and Elena, in March. Although they were born weighing just 6 lbs. 7 oz. each, they have quickly tripled in size.

Due to Alexis’ petite stature, standing at 5’3″ and weighing 116.4 lbs., it becomes quite a comedic sight when she carries both babies at the same time.

Alexis had been regularly sharing videos of the twins on TikTok when she came across a viral clip of another mother of twins effortlessly holding both babies with one arm while doing other tasks. Inspired by this, Alexis attempted the same feat, but it was clear that it was a struggle for her.

While Alexis’ fiancé, Leo Mejia, who stands at 5’11”, is taller than her, Alexis did not expect her babies to be so big.

However, with a combined weight of almost 13 lbs., the girls quickly outgrew those clothes and have been growing rapidly since then. They now fall into the 98th percentile for height and wear clothes designed for 12- to 18-month-olds.

Despite their size, Alexis’s twins are healthy and thriving. Their pediatrician has not expressed any concerns about their sizes, acknowledging that they are simply fast growers. Alexis is confident that her babies are receiving the right amount of milk and emphasizes that they are happy and healthy, which is all that matters.

Although most commenters on TikTok are supportive, some have made rude comments about the babies’ size. However, Alexis chooses not to let those comments affect her. She believes that some people just have big babies and remains focused on her babies’ well-being.

The videos of Alexis juggling her twins have garnered millions of views on TikTok, and she continues to share her experiences as a mother of two beautiful, healthy girls.



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