Israel’s former space director reveals aliens are working with humans on Mars

The idea that space aliens have been in contact with the US government for a long time and are working with humans to understand “the fabric of the universe” is something that humanity has yet to fully fathom.


Aliens and the US government had a contract to keep quiet about their experiments on Earth and covert colonies on Mars, according to retired general Haim Eshed, the former head of Israel’s space security program. This information was made public on December 8, 2020.

The idea that space aliens have been in contact with the US government for a long time and are working with humans to understand “the fabric of the universe” is something that humanity has yet to fully fathom.


Aliens and the US government had a contract to keep quiet about their experiments on Earth and covert colonies on Mars, according to retired general Haim Eshed, the former head of Israel’s space security program. This information was made public on December 8, 2020.


The 87-year-old professor claimed in an interview with Israel’s Yediot Aharonot daily that the US government and Israel had known for years that aliens and the “Galactic Federation” existed and worked together. However, they kept this information a secret to minimize public panic.



Professor Eshed served as the director of Israel’s space security program from 1981 to 2010, and he was recognized three times with the Israel Defense Award for his contributions to technical development. It’s difficult to discount his abilities and write him off as insane for making such claims as a consequence.

He asserts that President Trump knew about this and had previously talked with extraterrestrials. The Galactic Federation aliens, he stated, are telling them to wait until people have calmed down before revealing [the presence of aliens].

His statement is in line with Trump’s plan to establish the United States Space Force (USSF) as the sixth branch of the armed forces. The future of defense and attack will be in space… Trump declared, “We are now the leader in space,” in May 2020.


The length of the US government’s friendly relationship with extraterrestrials is uncertain, though.

Eshed continued by claiming that before aliens can fully comprehend space and spacecraft, they must wait for mankind to advance and reach a certain degree of comprehension. They also agreed to collaborate with humans on research projects and studies on Earth so that they may learn more about the structure of the cosmos.

Additionally, he claimed that Americans and aliens work together in a subterranean outpost on Mars. “If I had made up what I’m saying now, I would have been in the hospital five years ago.” Everywhere I went in the gym wearing this, people said, “The guy’s lost his mind!”


Haim Eshed is known as the “creator of Israel’s satellite program.” He earned a bachelor’s, a master’s in performance research, and a PhD in aeronautical engineering from the Technion. In 1981, he was promoted to the Ministry of Defense’s position of Chief of Israeli Satellite Programs, where he oversaw the launch of 20 satellites. He departed the Ministry of Defense in 2011.

Eshed goes into further depth on aliens, UFOs, and other origin theories in his book “The Universe Beyond the Horizon – Conversations with Professor Haim Eshed.” In addition to revealing some fascinating details regarding Men In Black, he went into great detail about how the aliens prevented a nuclear apocalypse.

Two Pentagon files contain a picture of a mystery silver object floating 35,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. Using his mobile phone, a military pilot took the picture inside the cockpit.

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