Miraculous Feline Rescue: Cat Saved from Perilous Puddle on Pavement Transforms Overnight into Purr-fect Marvel

Sawyer, now an absolutely stunning orange and white fluffy cat, shows what a difference 24 hours can make for a rescued feline. One hot day in August, he was found almost unrecognizable as a cat, like a “puddle on the pavement,” as one rescuer put it. 

A disturbing picture of Sawyer, all skin and bones, first appeared on a neighborhood Facebook page. Immediately, a volunteer rescuer sprang into action. After finding him, they discovered numerous alarming health concerns for the 7-year-old cat.

  • Sawyer had live and dead fleas on him 
  • A soapy material was on his back end
  • He had caustic burns, possibly caused by urine/feces 
  • His skin was so loose from weight loss
  • Severe anemia
  • A systemic infection 
  • His head was trembling

Picture of Sawyer shared to Facebook

Pictures of Sawyer via Facebook/ Stray Cat Relief Fund

Despite all of this, the Stray Cat Relief Fund in Philadelphia shared a picture just 24 hours later. What a difference the rescuers, some veterinary care, and TLC made! He was already looking like a brand-new cat, wearing a purple flower “cone” pillow to help his skin heal. As he walked, he would knead with his paws, wanting attention and cuddles.

Sawyer wear a purple flower while recovering at the Stray Cat Relief Fund in Philadelphia, PA, 2

While caring for him, they discovered a microchip leading to a disconnected number. So, they realized he had been a house cat struggling to survive on the streets of South Philadelphia.

Sawyer wear a purple flower while recovering at the Stray Cat Relief Fund in Philadelphia, PA

Sawyer wear a purple flower while recovering. Images via Facebook/Stray Cat Relief Fund

Sawyer’s Meow-velous Transfurmation Continues

Sawyer’s transformation was just beginning when the rescue showed him on his “First day of school” the next month. Sawyer became a gorgeous meowdel for Pawtrait Pop-Up of Philadelphia.

“Purrst day of school for SAWYER! This floofy-tailed orange boy was unrecognizable when he was found on the streets a few weeks ago. He’s had quite the transformation and glow-up. He’s the sweetest boy,” they shared. 

Sawyer's amazing glamour shots by Pawtrait Pop-Up, 2

Sawyer’s amazing glow-up portraits by Pawtrait Pop-Up

“Based on the last photo it looks like his favorite subject might be Hisstory?” the rescue joked.

Sawyer's glamour shots by Pawtrait Pop-Up

The following month, Sawyer’s glow-up continued, a success story as he made a full recovery in his foster home. 

Sawyer looking so much better in his foster home on a colorful blanket, Stray Cat Relief Fund, Philadelphia

Looking at him now, who would recognize him from that first frightening picture? It’s something to keep in mind if you see a cat struggling outside. With care and love, they could be the prettiest cat you’ve ever seen in your entire life.

Sawyer looking so much better in his foster home on a colorful blanket, Stray Cat Relief Fund, Philadelphia, 2

Sawyer Does a 180º

In December, Sawyer appeared like the most beautiful male meowdel! A photographer and artist, Kristy shared truly breathtaking pictures of the kitty. It was like a 180º turn compared to how the rescuers found him on the street that hot day in summer. It’s one of the most dramatic glow-ups ever!

Similar transformations happen every day thanks to rescuers, but this one is truly spectacular.

Sawyer's 180 degree transformation in pictures by Kristy Does it All, Philadephia, kristydoesitall

Sawyer’s 180 degree transformation in pictures by @kristydoesitall

“Sawyer is why we do what we do,” shared the Stray Cat Relief Fund. “And the greatest example of how much your donations help us year over year, cat after cat. We love you, Sawyer! Hoping for a forever home in the new year,” they shared. 

Sawyer's 180 degree transformation in pictures by Kristy Does it All, Philadephia, 3

Pictures by Kristy

You can follow and support the Stray Cat Relief Fund on Facebook and Instagram.

Sawyer's 180 degree transformation in pictures by Kristy Does it All, Philadephia, 2

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