Mysterious Alien Sighting in Argentina Park Captivates UFO Community

Now, if you’ve read the title of the article, the next question you’ll be asking yourself would be: if someone as important as the police manages to see such an extraordinary creature, why the hell did they took only a picture?

Well, we don’t have an answer to that question. But we will try to provide as much information as we can.

In a park in Argentina on September 13 a strange sighting took place. A policeman made public the picture of a strange creature that looks like an alien, and immediately became the topic of fervent debate in the ufo/alien community.

The event took place in the Miter Park were a group of teenagers was camping. In a place full of abandoned boats, they denounced a “subject” who behaved in an abnormal way.

When the police came, they investigated the area and stumbled upon the subject and took a picture of him. When they wanted to capture it the subject jumped into the water and was lost forever.

When they reviewed the galley of images, they noticed that the creature, in particular, was not human at all. The note was published on Facebook.


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