Revealing Chernobyl’s Lingering Legacy: Impact of Birth Defects 30 Years On

The scientific debate is ongoing over whether congenital birth defects can be linked to radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that happened 30 years ago this month.

Physicians in the region have reported a sharp rise in birth defects there since 1986.

A 2010 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found a correlation between the presence of hazardous levels of strontium-90 — a radioactive element produced by nuclear fission — and dramatically high rates of certain congenital birth defects.

More than 5% of strontium-90 was released during the Chernobyl explosion. Although that percentage might not seem very high, strontium-90 is the most dangerous component of the radioactive fallout from a nuclear explosion.

Vasilii, 15, is one of the many children in southern Belarus who suffer from severe birth defects. Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Belarus, whose border with Ukraine is just four miles from the Chernobyl power plant, absorbed an estimated 70% of the nuclear fallout.

A study by UNICEF suggested that more than 20% of adolescent children in Belarus suffer from disabilities caused by birth defects.

Getty photographer Sean Gallup recently visited care centers for children with disabilities in Belarus. Below, see Gallup’s images of the children living in these facilities.

Vesnova Home for Invalid Children is a facility working to help children whose lives have been severely affected by the Chernobyl disaster. More than 170 children and teenagers who were born with severe birth defects receive care here.

Chernobyl Children International (CCI) is a nonprofit organization that helps the children and families who continue to be affected by the disaster. They work closely with the facilities in Belarus.

The children at the facility were born with many different disabilities, including neurological difficulties and heart conditions.

Chernobyl birth defects

As we пavigate these heartbreakiпg accoυпts, it becomes evideпt that Cherпobyl’s impact oп birth defects is пot coпfiпed to a specific ailmeпt bυt eпcompasses a spectrυm of health challeпges. The iпsidioυs пatυre of these coпseqυeпces, ofteп preseпtiпg years after the iпitial exposυre, υпderscores the υrgeпcy of coпtiпυed research, sυpport, aпd awareпess.



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