Unidentified Flying Object Spotted in Video of California Fires: What Is It?
when local news Shoppers cover a breaking story you never know what’s going to happen next and in our first video what the chopper called purely by…

Do UFOs really exist? The answer may be in the video below.
[Music] my [Music] air force captain e.j rupelt was the guy who coined the term unidentified flying object to replace the popular term at the time of…

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Encounter: A Mysterious Incident of Time Travel?(Video)
In suffolk county england there is a remote forest in the village of rendelsham that has become famous for being the site of one of the most…

The video captures the scene of a cactus skeleton unearthed in the northern province of China.
how you doing I’m Callen and this is slapped ham today we’re once again looking at some weird footage from possible dinosaur sightings – a monster spotted…