Unexplained Mermaid Corpse Discovered on Chinese Beach – A First in History(Video)
Video: Video Player The receпt discovery of a mermaid carcass oп a beach iп Chiпa has left maпy people iп shock aпd awe. The images of the…

The truth behind UFO sightings – debunking myths and exploring possibilities(Video)
In recent years, there have been increasing reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) being spotted in various parts of the world. One such incident occurred on March…

Advanced Version of TR3B or Extraterrestrial Activity? The Debate Continues Over New Jersey UFO Sighting(Video)
On September 14th, a remarkable event occurred over New Jersey that caught the attention of thousands of eyewitnesses. Many people reported seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO)…

UFOs Spotted in the Sky: Eyewitness Accounts and Expert Analysis(Video)
In July 2018, Krystal Washington recorded a video of a strange figure walking across a bright break in the clouds. After watching the video again, she felt…

The Strange History of UFO Sightings in Italy: A Closer Look(Video)
When it comes to UFO sightings, the classic saucer shape from the 1950s and 60s has become passé. Instead, bright orbs and cylindrical objects are being reported…

The X-Files Come to Life: Ranking the Top 10 Alien Sightings Caught on Camera
Welcome to Watch Mojo! Today, we will be counting down the top 10 times aliens were caught on camera. In this list, we will examine the photos…

New discovery: Scientists get closer to mysterious lights believed to be UFOs(Video)
When news choppers cover a breaking story, they capture all sorts of unexpected footage. In 2018, while covering the Woolsey Fire in Northern Los Angeles County, a…

UFO: The Truth Behind Government Cover-Ups and Alien Encounters.
The age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe has fascinated humanity for centuries. But now, a new series called UFO is delving into the…

Inside the Hunt for UFOs: How One Video Changed the Conversation(Video)
Many people are curious about the Bermuda Triangle’s location, which technically is the area bounded by Miami, Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. However, strange activity seems to…

Mysterious giant creature with long legs caught on camera in Russia.
The mystery of UFOs and extraterrestrial life has always fascinated many scientists who struggle to find explanations for their existence. There have been numerous occasions where cameras…