“The Custom Is Soo Professional”— Meet The Face Behind The Old In Kesari New Movies Produced By Ibrahim Yekini (Video)

Nollywood actor Ibrahim Yekini has posted a behind-the-scenes video featuring the elderly character from the popular movie “Kesari.”

Itele D Icon has disclosed the identity of the man behind the elderly character in the movie “Kesari.”

Upon closer examination of the video, it was apparent that Ibrahim Yekini was wearing a mask fashioned to resemble the old man, and he also had matching gloves designed in the same fashion.

The Post Captions: Let’s take you to the making of the 200years old man character in KESARI the king

I’m interested in being a good actor and to also be remembered for my best films.

I’m the face behind the old man character…..

So tell me why you have not seen this masterpiece.

Celebrities and fans hail the actor for the great costume.

Watch The Video Below;

See The Social Media Reaction Below;Adetayoalfred: Why are we not yet able to watch this interesting and interested movie.. must we ho to the cinema? Bring it to out level, even if it’s YouTube we’ll watch it with out data.

Adetayoalfred: Why are we not yet able to watch this interesting and interested movie.. must we ho to the cinema? Bring it to out level, even if it’s YouTube we’ll watch it with out data.

Iambimpeakintunde: Normally you nah HERO 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 I celebrate you Always Baami ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Alhamdulilah for the Journey so far👏👏

Maydesvogue: Pls is this emotional cos I don’t know why I’m being teary 😢 well done ordinary makeup dy always make me feel as if there’s cement on my face not to talk of this 🙌🙌

Olu_wamayomikun: Wow !wow!wow! The day me and my friend went to watch it we were actually Comtemplating btw ourselves,that who can be dis person,never thought of u at all @iteledicon01 I such a great actor👏😍

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