The mother dog glanced at my car, appearing to seek assistance, but her demeanor revealed an entirely unpredictable motive, leaving everyone surprised.

Today, on a deserted road, I happened to meet a mother dog walking on the street. She was standing by the side of the road, observing all of the vehicles.

The mother dog is worried. She asked for assistance. Nobody came to a halt. When I first met her, I was astounded as well. She begged me to look at my automobile. Her children were found in the sewage.

They are only a few days old. It’s going to rain, which is really risky. If we don’t save them soon, they’ll become wet and cold, and may not live.

It took us more than an hour to return her family to the shelter.

3 puppies are sleeping soundly, very cute. She and her three puppies are unharmed. She has just received 2 new puppies, these 2 puppies have just passed away.

I call her Maria. Maria is a really cute and sociable dog. She provides excellent care for her three biological children and two adoptive children.

25 Day later the puppies are growing. They are now two months old and are ready to be vaccinated. Leonardo, Donatello, and Rafael, from left to right.

They’re really nice. They like playing, sunbathing, and, most importantly, eating!

Thanks rescuer: Danu Colombo MDP

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