The mysterious collision between UFOs and planes in the sky of Belgium.

Sudden Appearance of Unidentified Flying Saucer or Disk in Belgian Skies Leaves Eyewitness Stunned as it Vanishes into Thin Air After Lightning-Fast Acceleration.

In what can only be described as a near miss collision over Belgium with a Flying Saucer or “Disk” and an airplane in the sky, what is going on in our skies.

Flying Disks aren’t anything new as we’ve been filming UFOs like these ones since the beginning of Ufology.

I have been aware of this Flying Saucer video for a while and tried to find as much information on this as possible and I do know that it’s not been debunked yet!

What’s new though is this one is a silver Disk and because it looks like it just appeared from nowhere? It comes from behind the airplane (airliner jet) and out of the clouds but then it instantly accelerates away from the scene.

Like it wasn’t even there.

This video is the only reason why we know that it actually happened. It’s this type of UFO sighting which made Ufology what it is today. And that’s a total “enigma” because it’s not ours, nobody flies these except in old 1950’s B movies in a hangar. Apart from that, it’s nothing that humans would create. Although it’s probably aerodynamically perfect and more than likely awesome to fly why would humans create that?

Near Miss Over Belgium: Silver Flat Disk UFO Just Missed An Airplane - TheDailyWorld.NET

If it can accelerate like it does then it’s next level technology that we’re just not ready for? Can that even be such a thing? Inventing a Disk aerial vehicle with technology that we aren’t ready for?

There’s a popular theory that the US Government back engineered Flying Saucers and reverse engineered the technology from downed Flying Saucers. If they do fly it’s because of the streamlined, aerodynamic shape? Technology is key, but the shape (especially on Earth) is fundamental to it’s success and capabilities.

Near Miss Over Belgium: Silver Flat Disk UFO Just Missed An Airplane - TheDailyWorld.NET

Here’s the extraordinary details about this unusual looking UFO sighting from the video description:

This was filmed by Eric Giavedoni and published on UFOvni2012’s YouTube channel. The video shows a disc shaped craft exit a cloud next to a large passenger jet and speed away at a very high rate of speed. The video was filmed with a 300mm lens pointing skyward over Belgium on April 25, 2014.

UFOvni2012 YouTube Channel

After thinking about it, this UFO sighting has really stood the test of time. It’s not been debunked and it’s standing up to scrutiny which is a good thing.

Here’s the extraordinary video which was uploaded to YouTube by UFOvni2012 channel:

If you’ve got any thoughts or opinions on this, please share it with us in the comments section below, cheers. Please share this post, thanks.


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