The Science of Ancient Egyptian Mummification: A Comprehensive Exploration of the Techniques and Beliefs Surrounding the Preservation of the Dead(video)


In the world of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Seti the first stands out as a highly successful ruler. However, it is not just his accomplishments that set him apart from others, but his mummy as well. Considered to be one of the best-preserved mummies in all of ancient Egyptian history, Seti’s mummification work is truly remarkable.

Mummification is a process that involves embalming and drying out the body to preserve it for the afterlife. The key to successful mummification lies in the preparation of the body. During the process, the brain is removed through the nostrils with an iron hook, and all major organs, except for the heart, are taken out. The organs are then preserved in jars, so they can be reunited with their owner in the afterlife. Next, the body is covered in a salt called natron and left to dry for up to 40 days. Finally, the now-mummified body is wrapped in linen bandages and magical spells are cast to ensure its safe arrival in the afterlife.

Seti’s mummy, in particular, is noteworthy for its well-preserved face, which looks almost perfect despite being over 3,000 years old. This is because Seti’s mummy has had quite a bit of work done on it. According to Professor of Radiology Sahar Saleem, the ancient Egyptians were highly efficient at plastic surgery. Feathers were even placed around the nose, mouth, cheeks, and temporal region to enhance the pharaoh’s appearance.

The ancient Egyptians believed that a person’s heart was the center of their being and that they needed to look like their gods. Seti’s mummy certainly reflects this belief, as he appears charismatic and youthful. In fact, Seti’s mummy is considered to be the most well-mummified person from ancient Egypt that Professor Saleem has ever seen.

The Egyptians’ desire to beautify Seti’s mummy was to ensure that he would be in the best possible shape for his journey to the afterlife. Once there, Seti would need a magnificent home for eternity. Overall, Seti’s mummification is a testament to the incredible skill and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in preserving their dead for the afterlife.


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