Unexpected Exit: Justin Bieber Abruptly Leaves Stage, Tossing Away the Mic Mid-Performance

The buzz about the Purpose World Tour is still continuing as recently, at a music night in the British city of Manchester on October 23 (local time), similar to previous shows, in the UK city of Manchester on October 23 (local time). When Justin Bieber was trying to ask his fans to be quiet by having a friendly conversation, the people below kept shouting, asking him to perform instead of just talking.

Too angry, the male singer threw the microphone on the floor and walked backstage to the surprise of the crowd. A few minutes later, the 22-year-old singer returned to the stage and calmly said: “Because you guys don’t like to talk, I won’t talk anymore.”

The Purpose singer explained that unsightly action: “I appreciate all of your support, love, and acts of kindness. However, this shouting must end. I don’t think it’s a good thing when you’re talking and someone keeps shouting. I feel like I’m not respected.”

Justin Bieber pointed directly at fans and asked them to be quiet during a concert in Manchester

Last week, also at a show in Birmingham, England, Justin also had to stop performing to ask fans to be quiet. “Can you help me with this? Can you calm down even for just 2 seconds?”, he said.

“I appreciate the love you give me, it’s wonderful. But can you stop screaming to show it? Screaming is really not pleasant at all,” the male singer tried to explain.

However, this action of Justin was not even listened to and followed by the audience, but was also considered ungainly.

Currently, the conflict between Justin Bierber and his fans during this world tour is causing his image to seriously lose points. In addition to the loyal fans who stood up to defend the male singer’s cause, the rest affirmed that Justin increasingly despised his fans and had unreasonable demands.

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