Unprecedented Bond: The Remarkable Friendship Between a Cat and Kitten Rescued at a Shelter

A cat came to a shelter and stunned everyone with a kitten. Their bond grew tighter each day.

Every now and then, animal rescue groups come across a mother cat and kitten that are meant to stay together.

This happened a couple of years ago with a cat named Cupid that ended up being surrendered to a shelter due to life changes in her owners’ family.

She was confused and a bit shy being in a new environment. At around two years old, she had to start over in the search for her happily-ever-after.

Exploits Valley SPCA took her in with open arms. Slowly but surely, she warmed up to the volunteers. Soon, the shelter was in for quite the surprise when they discovered that Cupid was not alone all along.

A few weeks later, she had one tuxedo kitten in the comfort of her foster home.

Right away, she dove into mommy duties and was completely devoted to raising her only fur child.

The kitten who was lovingly named Bow, had her mom all to herself, day in and day out. She filled her tummy to the brim at each feeding and fell asleep snuggled up to Cupid, in a food coma.

The sweet cat mother kept her baby immaculately clean and watched over her every step of the way.

“She loves to show her baby off and hug her tight. We can’t help but think how sweet it would be for these two to find a home together. Who wouldn’t want this level of cuteness in their home forever?”

With that thought in mind, the shelter started to look for a perfect family for the duo. As Bow grew bigger and closer to being ready for adoption, the shelter received several inquiries for her, but none for the mom.

“(In general), kittens don’t need to be adopted with their moms, but every now and then, especially when there’s only one baby, the bond seems tighter.”

Cupid showed enormous interest in everything Bow did. She’d follow her everywhere around the room and make sure that Bow was always within eyesight.

She’d wrap her arms around Bow and purr her baby to sleep. During their waking hours, she’d encourage Bow to play and hone her feline skills.

Bow grew by leaps and bounds, and flourished into an inquisitive, playful ball of energy. She enjoyed creating antics with her mom, following in her paw-steps.

The tuxedo became a talker just like Cupid. Instead of meowing, she would squeak for attention.

Knowing how much they depended on each other, the shelter never stopped hoping for the two to be adopted together.

Then one day, the shelter received the application that they’d been waiting for. A family fell head over heels for Cupid and Bow, and knew they couldn’t be separated.

Cupid and her beloved kitten were adopted as a pair. Now, they are thriving in their forever home. “Knowing they get to stay together does the heart good.”

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