Unveiling Ancient Wonders: Delve into Egypt’s 18th Dynasty and King Tutankhamun’s Treasures

Story by Edward Pevos of MLive

You can now step back in time to the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt (c. 1543–1292) and see King Tutankhamun and the pharaoh’s sacred possessions. Scroll down to see a taste of Cranbrook’s new exhibit which is now open through September 3, 2017.

PH๏τo by Edward Pevos of MLive

More than 100 treasures

The exhibit features 131 replicas of the pharaoh’s sacred possessions and artifacts. These are very detailed and exact replicas of the originals which will no longer be leaving Egypt.

Ticket info

Tickets are $10 for non-members of the Cranbrook Insтιтute of Science and $9 for members. Kids ages 2-12 are $8.

Bust of Tut on a Lotus – 18th Dynasty

This portrait captures Tut’s elongated platycephalic skull, a common feature among members of the inbred royal family of Amarna.

Court sandals – 18th Dynasty

Fashioned of papyrus fiber, leather, wood and sheet gold, some 93 articles of footwear were buried with Tut. The finest example is this pair of sandals found in the Antechamber, packed inside of the painted chest. Made of wood with ornate marquetry veneer, the soles are decorated with the traditional images of captive African and Asian enemies, symbolically trampled with the pharaoh’s every step.

The original sandals can be found at the Cairo Museum

Ebony game box & casting sticks – 18th Dynasty

One of Tut’s favorite diversions was playing games of chance. Like many ancient Egyptians, he enjoyed the game of “senet” in which the movement  of pawns on a checkerboard was decided by the throw of knucklebones or casting stucks. Of the four game boxes found in the Annex, this one made of wood with ebony and ivory veneer was the finest.

Royal Mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun & Funerary Bier

The much anticipated opening of the third coffin, delayed by the sudden death of Lord Carnarvon, revealed the pharaoh’s mummy which measured 5ft 4in in length.

Wrapped in linen bandages enfolding over 150 carefully placed sacred jewels and amulets and liberally anointed with consecrated lustrations, his body had been badly damaged. Its brittle tissue withered and blackened by excessive application of the very resins intended to preserve it.


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