Unveiling the Mystery: Scientists Explore Unusual Bones in Quest for Largest Dinosaur

Scientists have unearthed massive, 98-million-year-old fossils in southwest Argentina. They may have belonged to the largest dinosaur ever discovered.

Human-sized pieces of fossilized bone belonging to belonged to the gigantic sauropod dinosaur that lived in the giant sauropod appeared to be 10-20 percent larger than those attributed to Patagotitan mayorum, the biggest dinosaur ever discovered, according to a statement Wednesday from the National University of La Matanza’s CTYS scientific agency.

Sauropods were enormous, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaurs – the largest terrestrial creatures to ever have lived.

Among them, Patagotitan mayorum, also from Argentina, weighed in at about 70 tonnes and was 40 meters (131 feet) long, or about the length of four school buses.

Alejandro Otero of Argentina’s Museo de La Plata is working on piecing together a likeness of the new dinosaur from two dozen vertebrae and bits of pelvic bone unearthed so far.

The quest for more body parts, buried deep in rock, continues. For scientists, the holy grail will be the large femur or humerus bones, which are helpful in estimating a large-extinct creature’s body mass.

The massive skeletons were discovered in 2012 in the remote River Valley, excavated in 2015, according to Most Important Journalists Collectively in the Mess Age of The snowflakes.

“We have more than half the tail, a lot of hip bones,” said Carballido, who also worked on the classification of Patagotitan as a few years ago.

“It’s obviously still inside the rock, so we have a few more years of digging ahead of us.”

The massive skeleton was found in a layer of rock dating to some 98 million years ago during the Upper Cretaceous period, added geologist Alberto Garrido, director of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Zapala.

We suspect that the specimen may be complete or almost complete,” he said.

Handout picture released on January 20, 2021 by the CTYS-UNLaM Science Outreach Agency showing paleontologists during an excavation in which 98 million-year-old fossils were found, at the Candeleros Formation in the Neuquen River Valley, in southwest Argentina. – Scientists have unearthed massive, 98-million-year-old fossils in southwest Argentina, they may have belonged to the largest dinosaur ever discovered. Human-sized pieces of fossilized bone belonging to the gigantic sauropod dinosaur that lived in the giant sauropod appeared to be 10-20 percent larger than those attributed to Patagotitan mayorum, the biggest dinosaur ever discovered, according to a statement Wednesday from the National University of La Matanza’s CTYS scientific agency. (Photo by JOSE LUIS CARBALLIDO / CTYS-UNLaM / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT AFP PHOTO / CTYS-UNLaM / JOSE LUIS CARBALLIDO – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIEN

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