This is the clearest video I’ve ever seen of a UFO taking off.The camera recorded its takeoff.

A recently uploaded video on YouTube claims to show a UFO sighting in a forest in Spain. The footage, which features computer-generated imagery (CGI), depicts a metallic…

Life on Mars: UFO Hunter Sees a ‘Statue’ on Mars and Claims It’s ‘100% Alien-Proof’

Conspiracy theorist and self-styled UFO expert Scott C Waring claims to have found undeniable proof of life on Mars. Mr. Waring is a firm believer that we are not…

A Red UFO Can Clearly Be Seen In Moon Crater (Video)

Wow! An amateur astronomer has just filmed a fantastic UFO anomaly in the Copernicus crater on the Moon! If this isn’t the sign of Extraterrestrial life on…

Police share video of strange bright light shining in the sky during thunderstorm

‘After reviewing CCTV at town beach of last nights storm, it appears we were not alone’ Police in one of the most remote parts of Australia have…

Very Strange Object Hovered in the Sky Over Sydney, Australia (Video)

The mystery object was filmed the other day in Sydney, Australia. It looks like a can of dark paint exploded high above the ground and then everything…

Israel’s former space director reveals aliens are working with humans on Mars

The idea that space aliens have been in contact with the US government for a long time and are working with humans to understand “the fabric of…

Disc UFO Entering Huge CAVE in Pyrenees Mountains Country SPAIN

Disc UFO is one of the most controversial topics in history. There are many stories and evidence of allegedly seeing or encountering unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Many…

The 6 strangest UFO crashes that occurred before Roswell

Some skeptics would have you believe that the Roswell UFO crash set the trend for reporting this type of strange event. But that’s not true. Unidentified objects…

UFO Sighting in New Zealand: Unidentified Flying Object Spotted Over the Beach on Google Maps (Video)

A new sighting was actually recently reported over the St. Kilda beach from New Zealand’s South Island as this time Google Maps itself brought forth evidence of…


The United States military has always been at the forefront of developing cutting-edge technology to maintain its superiority over other nations. From spy satellites to stealth fighters…