Incredible Feat Unveiled: 24-Year-Old Woman in the USA Gives Birth to 20 Babies, Setting a Record-Breaking Miracle

Kristina Ozturk, 24, who is originally from Moscow, wants 105 biological kids She met her hotel owner husband Galip Ozturk, 57, while holidaying in Georgia They have paid €168,000 to surrogates between March 2020 and July this year.

A Russia woman has welcomed 21 surrogate babies in just over a year with her millionaire husband – and insists she’s still a ‘hands-on mother’ despite spending £67,700 every 12 months on 16 nannies.

Kristina Ozturk, 24, who is originally from Moscow, wants a staggering 105 biological children with her wealthy hotel owner husband Galip Ozturk, 57, who she met while holidaying in the coastal town of Batumi in Georgia.

The couple have so far paid €168,000 (£142,000) to surrogates between March 2020 and July this year, and spend $96,000 (£67,700) a year on 16 live-in nannies.

However, speaking to Fabulous, Kristina, who also lives with her six-year-old daughter Vika from a previous relationship, insisted: ‘I’m with the kids all the time, doing all the things that mums normally do.’

The parent – who reportedly lives in a three-storey mansion with her family – previously said she and Galip opted to use surrogate mothers because they wanted to have as many children as quickly possible.

Their first child Mustafa was born on March 10 2020 while their most recent addition, and 21st child together Judy, is just three months old.

Kristina Ozturk, 24, has welcomed 21 surrogate babies in just over a year with her millionaire husband (pictured together)

The mother (pictured with some of her youngsters) insisted she’s still a ‘hands-on mother’ despite spending £67,700 every 12 months on 16 nannies

Kristina, who is originally from Moscow, wants a staggering 105 biological children with her wealthy hotel owner husband Galip Ozturk (pictured together), 57, who she met while holidaying in the coastal town of Batumi in Georgia

‘I can tell you one thing – my days are never boring. Each day is different, from planning staff schedules to shopping for my family,’ said Kristina when telling the publication about her routine.

Kristina, who spends £4,000 a week on essentials for the babies, including 20 large bags of nappies and 53 packs of baby formula, shares updates about her hectic life to her Instagram account, where she has 162,000 followers.


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