The skinny, wandering dog that looks like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad has had a surprisingly spectacular “transformation”


About 3 years ago, the story of a girl named Pia from Argentina who was saving a very poor dog wandering on the street, hungry and thirsty, attracted a lot of attention from netizens. During Christmas, when Pia visited a friend in another neighborhood, she saw a dog lying exhausted on the street, motionless, with lifeless eyes.

Looking at the poor dog’s appearance, no one dared to think it could survive: hairless, skinny and dirty, covered in large patches of scum all over its body due to ulcers, looking no different from a dry skeleton that had been abandoned for many years. extremely scary. Pia immediately brought him to the veterinary clinic. Doctors said that if in the next 2 days, it cannot make it through, there is no hope of survival anymore.

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 1.

The image of a wandering dog once made netizens sad

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 2.

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 3.

The little guy had almost no chance of survival when he was brought to the veterinarian

“It couldn’t stand up, it also refused to eat, so I laid it down on a big blanket and then tried to feed it water all night long. Even I thought it would die, but for some reason I looked at it. In his eyes, I see that he really doesn’t want to give up.”

However, luckily, after a few days of Pia’s care, the stray dog ​​showed signs of waking up and gradually “revived” miraculously. Because of the animal’s strength, Pia decided to name it Hercules – a true warrior.

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 4.

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 5.

At first, Hercules didn’t even have the strength to stand up or eat

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 6.

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 7.

The animal’s pitiful appearance made many people unable to hold back their hearts

From then on, Pia became the owner of Hercules. Every day, she anxiously monitors and carefully takes care of her pet dog. When Hercules gradually recovered and stood up to take his first steps, Pia said she was so happy that she cried like a child.

The skinny, wandering dog that looked like a dry skeleton that once made netizens feel sad had a surprisingly spectacular transformation - Photo 8.

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