Unveiling Resilience in Fur: A Captivating Tale of Overcoming Abandonment to Find Belonging

Murray has a condition called distempter, which can be fatal

When Murray the Weimaraner was found as a puppy on a beach, some feared he might be too ugly to find love.

But the good natured dog – who has no teeth and an unusual bone structure – showed looks aren’t everything after finding his forever home.

Murray was found with two siblings on ‘Dead Dog Beach’ in Puerto Rico, which is a hotspot for abandoned pets.

Whilst in Puerto Rico, Murray and his siblings showed signs of distemper, a virus that is fatal to most dogs as it affects their respiratory and nervous symptoms.

Murray and his canine and human family, taken in Massachusetts

Murray and his siblings as puppies in Puerto Rico

Murray takes a nap covered by a blanket at his new home

Murray was due to be euthanised, however after a wag of his tail – the vet changed their mind and did what they could to treat him.

Due to the virus, Murray now has no teeth, causing his tongue to flop out of his mouth.


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